Wednesday 27 May 2009

Nihondaira Ropeway

Nihondaira Ropeway, Shizuoka Prefecture

The hilltop of Nihondaira, where a huge panoramic view unfolds before your eyes, is connected by this ropeway with "Kuno-zan Toshogu shrine" which has deep associations with Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Train & Bus
Tokyo Station > about 1 hour on the Tokaido Shinkansen Line > JR Shizuoka Station > about 35 minutes on the Shizutetsu Bus

1 comment:

Kunouzan Toshougu Shrine said...

I miss my trip to Kunouzan Toshougu Shrine. Definitely calming and educational. I also learned that while you walk on the stairs, your spirit or kami is being cleanse..